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Don't leave this earth without sharing YOUR STORY with those who you LOVE.




Maybe you don't want to publish a book. Maybe you don't want your lifestory sitting on a bookshelf at Barnes & Noble for anyone to buy. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't write a book. That doesn't mean you shouldn't share your story through the power of written words. When all is said and done, the only thing that we leave behind are our stories -- memories, experiences, truths that we exchanged. So write a book for your children. For your family. For the employees at the company you built. For the congregation at the church you started. For the staff and students at the school you founded. Give a book to those you love or to those you hurt or to those who you struggle to find the words to express how you feel about them.


Share your legacy through the power of story.





Picking Fruit
Looking Out of a Skyscaper
Three Generations



Contradictory to most publishing companies, at The Core Media Group it's not all about selling copies of books. The publishing industry today is dominated by authors with large platforms and public influence. Though this might get you a book deal, an advance, and maybe even land you on the New York Times bestseller list, we believe so much in the power of authentic storytelling that we will gather your story as journalists, write your book as storytellers, edit your book, design your book, and print your book -- from start to finish -- even if the book is just for your family, friends, or employees. One of the core ideals at TCMG is that every story is delicate, precious, and has the possibility to impact lives. It is our pleasure and privilege to help you put your legacy on paper.


While compiling a Legacy Book, one of our writers will walk alongside you for one to five years (depending on the contract that you choose), in order to thoroughly capture your story and make sure that your book is exactly what you want it to be. The writer's sole focus is to serve you throughout the process by gathering an accurate, authentic, and compelling story for you to share with those you love. Though death is inevitable for each one of us, a book can live on forever.


Click HERE if you are interested in working with The Core Media Group to share your story through a Legacy Book.



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